“Hacking the Power” book

The idealization and organization of “Hacking the Power” book is by Panmela Castro. The unsigned texts are collectively authored by the NAMI, written by Fernanda do Vale, Maybel Sulamita, Panmela Castro, Laís Amorim and Adriana Mota; with the support of Artha Baptista, Carlos Gouté, Francine Mercês, Laís Silvéria and Luciene Lacerda. The individual texts were written by:

Interssed to know more about talks about of “Hackingh the Power” book, contact us on: taligado@redenami.com
The NAMI is a non-profit organization that aims to use art as a vehicle for social transformation, we promote through our projects the rights of women, blacks, indigenous peoples, LGBTQIAP+ people and people with disabilities. The organization was created in 2010 as a result of the desire of its founder, artist Panmela Castro, to contribute to the end of violence against women and promote the role of women in the arts. NAMI carries out a groundwork, seeking to stimulate the leadership potential of groups marginalized by society in different areas, and is directly aligned with 3 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, to build a less unequal and more sustainable world.
Hacking Power: Guerrilla Tactics for Artists of the Global South is a manual with guerrilla tactics for young artists who want to enter the art market. From the practical and technical to the conceptual and subjective, the book discusses essential issues of our time – such as the fight against racism, inequalities, gender violence and LGBTQIAP+ phobia – from a decolonial perspective, and present ideas and means for young people can develop their careers and be in institutional art spaces.
Through the sharing of experiences, knowledge, stories and images, the volume aims to stimulate and propagate mutual collaboration going from individual achievement, structures are formed for all and beyond the following generations.
In this way, we add our knowledge to other collaborators, who prepare texts for a manual with guerrilla tactics for artists from the Global South, addressing arts and rights for girls and young women who dream of becoming artists, and wish to make a living from their work, sustaining their families and rewriting art history to transform the future.