
Even years after the Maria da Penha Law was passed, research shows that all forms of domestic violence have increased in Brazil, showing that there is still a lot to be done.

That’s why NAMI, in partnership with its chairwoman and founder Panmela Castro, is holding the “HerStory” project, a traveling exhibition that promotes the fight against domestic violence against women.

Panmela’s paintings are inspired by the countless reports she receives from women who have experienced violence. In the series, the artist paints portraits of these women, accompanied by their stories. The public who see the paintings and read the stories learn about the pain and violence of these women, but above all, they find stories of overcoming violence that encourage more women not to accept violence in their lives. The project covers the main topics related to domestic violence, such as the history of women, the construction of gender, structural machismo, the five types of violence (psychological, moral, physical, sexual and property), the Maria da Penha Law and the Dial 180.

The exhibition has already passed through four territories, receiving more than 24,000 visitors.

Places where the exhibition has already been:

“HerStory: subverting pain” at Sesc Santa Rita, Paraty – RJ

In order for the project to reach as many people as possible in different cities across Brazil, the exhibition became part of Art Sesc, the national circuit of exhibitions run by the National Department of Sesc. With funding from the institution, the exhibition took place at the Sesc Santa Rita visual arts reference space in Paraty from June 22 to September 10, 2023.

Glória Maria Park (Ruins Park), Rio de Janeiro – RJ

As part of the “16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women” campaign, which begins every year on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the opening of the “HerStory” exhibition was one of the actions promoted by the Rio de Janeiro Secretariat for Women’s Policies and Promotion. The exhibition will be on display until January 8, 2023.

Glass Cube Gallery, CEFET/RJ Campus Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Talking to young people about domestic violence is crucial to addressing the Maria da Penha Law in an educational way and promoting a transformation in our society. In this context, the exhibition toured the Glass Cube gallery at CEFET/RJ, where it was visited by staff, teachers and students aged between 14 and 18. The exhibition was on display from November 25, 2022 to March 20, 2023.

Cora Coralina Cultural Village, Goiânia – GO

The exhibition was at Vila Cultural Cora Coralina, in Goiânia, from August 18 to October 7, 2022, curated by Keyna Eleison and Gilmar Camilo . At the same time, the “Letra Delas” project organized 14 activities open to the public.